Welcome to your very own section of the website! We’re glad that you chose to be part of Night Eagle and hope that this section of our website will bring back fond memories and encourage you to continue to be a part of our community.
Like the Cancega (drum) and Inyan (rock), you are the heartbeat that calls the people together and the storytellers and the record keepers of our community, reminding us of all the incredible experiences we share at camp. While each person’s journey in life is unique, there are some memorable stops along the path that will keep us forever connected: the day you decided to put on your first breechclout, the Naming Quest, the anticipation of receiving your Night Eagle name, the freedom that came with bare feet, stories and pop corn in the tipi at night, an invigorating game of “Sticks” in the woods, jumping off the rocks at Little Rock Pond, your first survival hike, four conch waking you from a deep sleep, a hearty supper of Night Eagle pizza.
Night Eagle has been home to campers from 26 states and 12 foreign countries, but with few exceptions, it’s the same today as the one you knew. The Lakota virtues that guide us - - bravery, generosity, compassion, wisdom - - have not changed. We still build friendships that last a lifetime, teach responsibility, and help nurture boys into manhood.
As an alumnus you have the opportunity to both celebrate our history and guide our future. Whether you’re hosting an informational meeting, recommending Night Eagle to a friend, raising money for camperships, or serving as a resource to an interested family, your involvement will create opportunities for more young boys to experience Night Eagle.
We hope you feel free to visit Night Eagle during the summer, join us for Morning Reflection, sit on Grandfather Rock, listen to the sounds of laughter, and maybe even lead an activity or two.We also hope you will join us at one of our Work and Play weekends in the fall and the spring to reconnect with friends, relive memories, and reach out to future generations of campers and staff.
Whether you have been in close contact throughout the years or have lost touch, we are eager to hear your stories and to see pictures of your time at Night Eagle. Please keep in touch by sending us an email or visiting our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you!