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Bruce Moreton

12 Ways to Keep Night Eagle With You at Home

Updated: Feb 17

Tipis glowing at night at Night Eagle Wilderness

There is no doubt that Night Eagle is a "magical" place, and you know that some of that pixie dust has fallen on you and that Night Eagle has become your home when . . .

  • You tell your friends that you can’t stop to talk because you have to run to the Maxwell.

  • You’re in school designing beaver traps and drawing tipis instead of taking notes.

  • You see a friend from camp in the city and you call to him by his Night Eagle name.

  • You are sitting in history class, and you realize that you know more about the American Indians than your teacher knows.

  • You notice you still have your breechclout tan in the middle of October.

  • After camp is over you can’t sleep in a bed, so you move to the floor for a few days.

  • Someone gives you a gift, and you respond by saying, “Pilamaya!”

  • You have developed an aversion to wearing shoes.

  • You’re late for school, and you tell your teacher that you didn’t hear the four-conch.

Group photo of boys and counselors at Night Eagle Wilderness

We empathize with your plight, but what can you do about it. Well, I'm glad you asked because the staff has come up with some pretty good suggestions of things that you could do to get you through the school year until we can all be together again in the Night Eagle Clearing:

  1. Circle up at the table before meals with your family, and have a moment of silence before ending with "Pilamaya.

  2. Kick off your shoes and walk barefooted around your house and yard, or if you live in the North, go wading barefooted through the snow.

  3. Teach some friends how to play a Night Eagle game like "Sticks," "Crack About," "Medicine Lodge," or "Rattlesnake."

  4. Read a book about an American Indian, or write a letter by candlelight to someone from camp.

  5. Try cooking something that you made at camp for your family. Maybe you could even cook it over an open fire! Then really impress your parents by doing the dishes!

  6. Tell a friend a story that you heard told around the campfire, or explain to him how different your summer camp is.

  7. Teach your family a camp song: “Dancing Circles in the Night,” “Tis a Gift to be Simple,” “Wearing My Long Wing Feathers,” or “Way A Hey Hey!”

  8. Give up your bed and spend the night sleeping on the floor in your room, or better yet, grab your sleeping bag and spend a night or two outside.

  9. Think about your Night Eagle name and the characteristics you have that people spoke about at your naming while you were sitting on Grandfather Rock.

  10. Visit Night Eagle on Facebook and leave a message letting us know what you are doing now or looking forward to doing at camp in the summer.

  11. Read old copies of Talking Leaves or the Night Eagle Newsletter.

  12. Take a moments at night to reflect on your day and give thanks for all that you have been given.


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